Friday, May 01, 2009

Kuching Trip (3)

Oh Yeah!!! Sushi King....
That was my first time eating Sushi King~
I'm Loving it...^^
I know most of you had tasted it...
But, It was really my first time...
We ate Dessert again after Sushi King...Ehem...

At around 3pm something...
We went to Friendship Garden...
Duh..Under the hot sun again~~
Notice the thing in front of him...
It's a loaf of BREAD!!!Haha...Spoilt the picture...

On the Zig-Zag Bridge~
Got seats don't sit, rather sat on the stairs~ (-_-")

The main thing in the garden...
Feeding fishes~~
Wondering why the fish are not as active as before...
But at one area, the fishes are hyperactive~
See!!! The fishes splashed the water so vigorously...

1 sharings~:

Unknown said...

Când un dinte are o distructie carioasa prea mare, poti apela la o lucrare protetica sau la implanturi de aceasta treaba se ocupa un medic dentist si totul numa pentru un zambet frumos. Apeleaza cu incredere la un stomatologic cu experienta si nu lasa ca zambetul frumos sa dispara.
medic dentist
medic dentist cluj
cabinet stomatologic
cabinet stomatologic cluj